The conversation between you and me

Today was a tiring day for me. My work is so demanding. Do I need it? Of course, and I even enjoy it. It’s always the same thing - railways, bridges and sometimes also rope. The reason for this is probably my lack of creativity. But in other areas it’s different.

People are so antediluvian. God gave them consciousness, the greatest capacity for thought, and yet there is someone who enjoys watching these supposedly “genius” creatures drive themselves to destruction. It’s also true that these geniuses created way more things to make this planet hell. But why shouldn’t I still be here?

Whether it’s war or peace, winter or summer, I’ll be here. I can also interfere in your life. And I will not forget to have fun. Let me explain.

It’s also true that these geniuses created way more things to make this planet hell.

At first it may sound like a serial killer is talking to you. Compared to me, that’s very weak. The record is 93 homicides per person. But I and my colleagues kill about 550 people a year in the Czech Republic. How is this possible? Quite simply, we exploit your vulnerabilities and you do the dirty work for us. This is the funniest and saddest thing about it!

The journey may seem like a short time. But it’s worth mentioning that this is not always the case. It’s like going for a walk with friends. You are all walking on the same path, smiling at each other. Suddenly, one of your friends “accidentally” sprains his ankle. The others run to help him, but he refuses. He wants to stay on the ground and die there. The others don’t take him seriously, so they decide to pick him up off the ground. The victim no longer has the strength to resist and finally allows himself to be rescued.

Strange example, isn’t it? It certainly doesn’t seem like a classic sprained ankle story. It’s much worse… it is the same path they take, because it can happen to any of them. And the rest fits perfectly with the course of the last moments of a person suffering from suicidal tendencies. It is only a matter of time before the victim finds the strength to show the world that he really wanted to lie there and die. It’s up to the victim to find the strength when and how many times he tries. Yes, it’s me, Suicide, who’s been talking to you all this time.

The victim no longer has the strength to resist and finally allows himself to be rescued.

All the way over here I can see your strange look. By now you’ve probably said something to the effect that this subject doesn’t concern you at all. Or you already have a problem with me, in which case I wish my plan with you had failed. Just as you’re surprised now, the girl in our story was surprised. Suddenly she felt a great emptiness, such a strange feeling. Her friends began to avoid her. This is common with people who have experienced a disaster. The people around them want nothing to do with the event that has happened. The disaster will begin to be associated with the victim’s name and that will make the situation even worse. This plays very well into my hands and with a little luck it could end well (in my favour).

I’m sure you’re convinced, or have been taught, that what I’m doing is wrong. I should be ashamed of myself and not talk about my work. But I’m here to tell you my intentions. What do you know of the afterlife? You know absolutely nothing, yet you insist on calling suicide an act of cowardice, or even a sin that won’t get you into heaven.

What comes after death? I can’t answer that. I can’t know, and neither can you. I’m on your planet in an immaterial form, as an idea. But I think there must be a better place to live after death, like heaven. Because if there isn’t, what I’m doing isn’t very nice. Actually, I’m doing a great job of shortening people’s path to heaven and their god. Or I put them in the dirt forever, where they’ll rot and there’ll be nothing left. But I also have a conscience, however small it may be. I’d hate to find out that the truth lies behind the second option.

What comes after death? I can’t answer that. I can’t know, and neither can you.

Let me tell you one of my recent cases… I was once flitting from head to head, choosing which head to settle in. I chose a high school student, because I know that people of that age are more prone to stupidity. Suddenly I saw a girl whose parents had just been killed in a car accident. These events are often triggers for suicidal thoughts or other negative mental stuff. I got inside her head and started working.

The following week, a girl was on her way home from school and the bus stopped at a level crossing. The girl looked sadly out of the window and wondered what would happen if she jumped under the tracks. I told her to break the window and jump under the tracks. She was very frightened by my words, which I conveyed to her in my mind. Her friend, who was sitting next to her, noticed that she was shaking all over. She asked her what was wrong, but she didn’t answer. A few minutes passed and everything went back to normal. This happens sometimes, people are victims of their own thoughts at certain times, and their capacity to think works against them. Or rather, it’s me working now, not any capacity.

First shock and introduction of suicidal thoughts, done. Now it’s up to me and my emotional management to decide how the story continues. When the girl got home she went straight to bed and slept, she was incredibly exhausted from the stress of the day and from me…

Or rather, it’s me working now, not any capacity.

The next day at school, everyone looked at her strangely, almost as if she were crazy. No wonder, because she really did act like one during the incident on the bus yesterday. People have an amazing ability to judge people on the spot. And if they don’t judge a person for being mentally ill, they will certainly judge them for other things they have started to do because of those mental problems. Then some of these people get into the same trouble and can’t understand why no one wants to listen to them or help them.

But there are bright exceptions, like the friend who sat next to her on the bus. That’s very nice, but people like that have often gone through the same or similar things in the past. There is a big downside to this, and that is that the weight of someone else’s problems weighs on them and can cause bad thoughts from the past to resurface. Such people often overestimate their own psychic abilities, and this can hurt the victim even more. But who wouldn’t overestimate themselves at a time when they can essentially save a human life and still be a hero for it? Most of the time no one will ever know what got the person out of trouble, but still! So ask yourself, which is better? To be the condescending ignoramus who avoids people who don’t look good, or to be the person who helps, but may be dragged down into the same abyss as the victim. I don’t know what I would choose, and it’s hard to imagine. I’m not a person, I’m just an idea!

But who wouldn’t overestimate themselves at a time when they can essentially save a human life and still be a hero for it?

I don’t like to tell the whole story. Why should I reveal my secret strategies? It’s bad enough that I’m being hounded by psychologists and psychiatrists. For your peace of mind while you wait to see how the story ends, I’ll give you a brief summary.

So ask yourself, which is better? To be the condescending ignoramus who avoids people who don’t look good, or to be the person who helps, but may be dragged down into the same abyss as the victim.

The girl survived in this way for several months, did not seek professional help and began to live, as they say, “from one day to the next”. She did not see the meaning of life and, at her age, could not understand the seriousness of the act and its consequences. So one evening she went for a walk in the city, saw a little-frequent road bridge, stood on the edge and jumped off. Satisfied? I didn’t want to tell you the end, but if you want to know…

What’s going through your mind right now? Did you judge the girl for what she did? Do you wonder how much pain she has caused her family and those around her? But what if she has gone to a better place and reunited with her parents? But it’s also possible that she just lies under the dirt and never meets anyone again, because what allowed her to love her parents and others, she took from herself, it was her life. It’s a very difficult question, and it’s been a big problem for philosophers for centuries. So it’s no less a problem for you who are reading this now. So think in multiple perspectives, don’t think of me as a cowardly act, a sin, or even a violation of some rights. Think of me as a phenomenon that just is, think of me as a neutral phenomenon. I am not a sad thing, but I am not a happy thing either. I am, quite simply, something that you cannot condemn, but neither can you praise until you know what follows my action.

Think of me as a phenomenon that just is, think of me as a neutral phenomenon.