Rope in the middle of the road

I'm on the road. I see a dense forest around me. No matter how hard I try, it blocks my view. Every tree is so tall that I can't see where it ends. The only option is to keep walking. After a while, I find a rope. I mindlessly pick it up. I wouldn't be a human if I did not start questioning a destination, the destination to which the road will take me. And because I can't see into the distance, I rely on speculation with rope in my hand.

After a while, I meet a stranger. He claims he has a vision and knows what is at the end of the road. It's a pity, but he can't tell me more. He only adds that I should tie my legs with a rope and jump the rest of the way. Supposedly, it's necessary. Otherwise, nothing good waits for me in the end. I kindly thank him for his advice and walk away.

After a while, I find a rope.

As I walk on, I start to meet jumping people. I find that funny, but I don't laugh. Mostly, they don't block me. One by one, I carefully walk over them. Sometimes, I find someone who blocks me and has something against my walking. At first, I try to convince them. But then I realize there is no chance to convince each other. That's why I started to ignore them.

Despite that the road seems endless, I am sure it ends somewhere. As I meet more and more people, I discover more and more ways to cope with this confusing situation. Probably, there are more people with visions. I'm intrigued by a person with a rope over his eyes. He chooses not to see the little that we can. After that, I spot a person with tied arms instead of legs. Some decided to leave the road and end their journey via rope and a tree.

Despite that the road seems endless, I am sure it ends somewhere.

Every way fascinates me. Despite that, nothing convinces me. On the other hand, it makes me think. If we receive a gift at a certain point of the journey, it isn't rope but its infinite number of uses. Also, it cannot be a coincidence that everyone I met accepted the gift. That forces me to replace mindlessness with helplessness. We receive the gift because of our helplessness and inability to refuse.

I play more with the idea. Does the gift become so much a part of us that we can't refuse it then? And if not, what will happen after refusing? I carefully put the rope on the ground. I leave a matter of course behind me. Then, I questioned my decision multiple times. Sometimes, I want to return. Against that, there is a feeling of relief. It creates an infinite amount of thoughts. The first thought contradicts the second. The third is refuted by the fourth. As it goes on, nothing lasts. There is only emptiness. It's a paradox. Because I thought the more I know, the richer the world is. But it seems that this emptiness can refute my idea easily.

We receive the gift because of our helplessness and inability to refuse.

The road still seems endless. It reminds me of the rope, where I clearly could see the beginning and the end. In contrast, the road is infinite because I don't remember the beginning. And I can't see the end. In the unremembered and unknown, I again find this emptiness. I don't know why I smile about it.

Since then, my view of the road turned upside down. I'm gradually discovering that the options the rope offered could be easily outnumbered. I'm starting to feel comfortable around this ubiquitous emptiness. So why not keep going?